Other Crafts

Have You Tried Needle Felting?..

Have you ever tried needle felting?

If you’re like most people your answer to this is probably ‘no, what is needle felting’?

I wasn’t really aware of it myself until a trip into Daiso a few months ago which lead to my discovery. Needle felting is a fun activity where you take balls of ‘fibres’ and basically just poke them with a serrated needle to form shapes, which you then join together to form your creations (usually little animals, but you can also create trees, rocks, people, the possibilities are endless).

Felting is done on top of a piece of foam or polystyrene so as not to break your needle or damage your surface. I also suggest if you are a newbie to go slow as poking your fingers with the serrated needle is a painful experience!

I have created a few ‘felties’ as I like to call them so far, a white llama and a pink bear which were from DIY kits, and I also had a go at creating my own mini version of my own cat, Pix, which didn’t come out quite so well..

The kits are great as they include instructions to create your animal as well as the required felt fibres, a single needle, button eyes and a keyring chain.

Below are some of the great needle felting items you can pick up from Daiso for just $2.80 a piece – I suggest grabbing extra needles (as they do break easily), and the 2 needle pen holder is great for doubling your speed for those larger pieces.

Aren’t the DIY kits so cute?! They make great little gifts too!

Below are some of my felting creations so far..

Enjoy Your New Addiction! xox

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